Friday, December 27, 2019

Learn About Editorial Clips and When They Are Needed

Learn About Editorial Clips and When They Are NeededLearn About Editorial Clips and When They Are NeededIf youre interested in getting an editorial job particularly at a magazine or newspaper youll need writing samplesor editorial clips. Editorial clips are, in many ways, a kind of calling card for professional journalists and magazine writers. Hiring managers and editors will often require you to present your writing samples during the interview or send them, with your resume and titelseite letter, via email. Because strong writing samples are essential for getting writing-based jobs, you may need to think about trying to freelance to beef up (or start on) your collection of writing samples. What Kind of Writing Samples You Should Have Your clips should demonstrate your strongest work. Ideally, they will be from an actual publication its NOT a good idea to rely on unpublished pieces from college or your personal life and speak to the kind of job youre applying for. In other words, if youre applying for sportswriter positions, it would be a little odd to have a clip file full of, say, articles on fashion. That said, your clips dont have to be too focused on a topic. Since sportswriter positions call for reporting, a clip collection of straight-up news stories will demonstrate youre a strong reporter. Stories From Your College Paper If you have strong clips you published in your college newspaper they might be impressive enough to help you land a job. But, in this day and age, lots of college students interested in print media jobs do internships and, many of them, publish things here and there for other publications. Although editors always say the important thing is the strength of the piece of writing, elend where its from, having clips from recognizable publications helps. Editors are often impressed with undergrads who have shown the initiative, or have the experience, to have been published outside their college paper. If youre not applying to a job straight out ofcollegethough, you shouldnt be using clips from your days on the undergrad newspaper. If you have a few (or many) years of experience in the workforce even if youre a career-changer you need to have non-collegiate work. How Clips Should Be Presented Many job listings will require that applicants email a resume, coverletter, and clips. Some people will accept clips as portable document format files you should not send something thats been published as a Word doc but most employers will prefer URLs to your work. Then, when you go for your face-to-face interview, you should be prepared to present your clips in person. Most writers maintain a clipbook just as people in other creative fields hold on to books displaying their work in a visual and presentable way. If you dont already have a clipbook, look into getting a nice binder and filling it with clear 8.5x11 sleeves. You will probably need to cut and paste your work onto a piece of paper I recommend usi ng black construction paper presenting the piece in as logical a manner as possible. Make sure to include the publication title, the run date, your byline and the entire piece. (If you notice the way restaurants and stores often present positive press mentions often framed on the wall you get a sense of how awkwardly laid out pieces, which may have appeared in a column or a long newspaper edition, can be tailored to fit on the traditional 8.5x11 page.) A word of caution If you only have one copy of a clip, dont go chopping it up hastily. If you cut something up before you know how to lay it out, you may not get a second chance, as Tim Gunn might say, to make it work. And, while making a clipbook can be a bit of anartsand crafts project, you dont want the book to look sloppy as that will reflect poorly on you. If You Dont Have Any Clips If you dont have any clips, and you want a writing job, you need to get some. Its nearly impossible to get an editorial job in magazines or ne wspapers without clips. To get clips, youll have to start pounding the pavement and trying to get assignments from newspapers or magazines.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Top U.S. Cities for Tech Hiring in 2018

Top U.S. Cities for Tech Hiring in 2018Top U.S. Cities for Tech Hiring in 2018 Top U.S. Cities for Tech Hiring in 201821% of CIOs nationwide say they plan to add full-time technology professionals to their teams in the first half of 2018.Percentage of CIOs who plan to expand their technology teams in the next six monthsTop 12 Cities*1. San Diego 29%2. Atlanta 26%3. New York 26%4. Austin 25%5. Charlotte 25%6. Minneapolis 25%7. Philadelphia 24%8. Des Moines 23%9. Miami 23%10. Cleveland 22%11. Phoenix 22%12. Salt Lake City 22%Other cities included in survey13. Chicago 21%14. San Francisco 21%15. Washington, D.C. 21%16. Cincinnati 20%17. motown 20%18. Raleigh 20%19. Dallas 19%20. Houston 19%21. St. Louis 19%22. Boston 18%23. Indianapolis 18%24. Denver 17%25. Los Angeles 15%26. Seattle 15%Source Robert Half Technology survey of more than 2,600 CIOs at companies in 26 major U.S. markets. *Cities with percentages above the national average of CIOs hiring for their teams in the firs t half of 2018 (21%). 2017 Robert Half Technology. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veterans.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How to Empower Your Employees

How to Empower Your EmployeesHow to Empower Your EmployeesEmployers and employees both have unrealistic perceptions about what empowerment is and how its supposed to work in real-time. Empowerment is the process of enabling or authorizing an individual to think, behave, take action, and control work and decision-making about their job in autonomous, independent, self-directed ways. It is the state of feeling self-empowered to take control of your destiny. Empowerment in the Workplace Empowerment is feeling in control of your work environment and that you have permission to make decisions in the areas you control and are responsible for in your job. When thinking about empowerment in human relations terms, try to avoid thinking of it as something that one individual does for anotherbei. This mindset is one of the problems organizations have with the empowerment concept. People think that someone, usually the manager, has to bestow empowerment on the people who report to them. Cons equently, the reporting staff members wait for the bestowing of empowerment, and the manager asks why people wont act in empowered ways. This bestowing and waiting has led to general unhappiness, mostly undeserved, with the concept of empowerment in many organizations. Dont let that happen in your organization. Your best success will result from empowered employees taking action- not waiting for permission. How to Think of Empowerment Think of empowerment, instead, as the process of an individual enabling himself to take action and control work and decision making in autonomous ways. Empowerment comes from the individual. The organization has the responsibility to create a work environment which helps foster the ability and desire of employees to act in empowered ways. The work organization has the responsibility to remove barriers that limit the ability of staff to act in empowered ways. Think, too, of empowerment as an employee philosophy and strategy that organizations benefi t from adopting. Empowered employees, who are operating within an organizations strategic framework that includes mission and goals increase the productivity and effectiveness of the workplace. They are enabled to perform their jobs more efficiently and effectively without feeling as if they are waiting for a decision, waiting for direction, and waiting for permission to act. They become more responsible and accountable when self-direction is the norm. Employee involvement and participative management are often used to mean empowerment. They are not interchangeable. Each describes a different characteristic of an effective workplace. Getting Out of the Way of Employee Empowerment Empowerment is desirable management and organizational style that enables employees to practice autonomy, control their own jobs, and use their skills and abilities to benefit both their organization and themselves. The companys management style should involve sharing the goals, sharing each employees e xpectations and framework with the employee, and then, getting out of the way while employees were empowered to set goals, accomplish their objectives, and determine how to do their jobs. The empowered organization operates in a team-based structure in which each development team has the authority and autonomy to determine the features and capabilities of their product. They did this in conjunction with the overall technology leadership and with serious input from the marketing team. Empowerment Examples Empowerment in the workspace can take many forms as can be seen in the following examples. Releasing Control The manager of the Human Resources department added weeks to the process of hiring new employees. They required their staff members to obtain a managers signature on every document related to hiring a new employee. Consequently, documents sat on the managers desk in a pile until he had time to review them. Hiring slowed and other departments wondered if they would ever fi ll that vacant desk. The time problem was brought to the managers attention and the fact that their action impeded empowered behavior. The manager fostered empowerment by telling employees they no longer needed his signature unless the hire involved extraordinary circumstances or an executive position. Frankly Stating What You Need John empowered himself to discuss the career objectives he wished to pursue with his supervisor. He told his supervisor, frankly, that if the opportunities were not available in his current company, he would move on to another company. Mary took charge of her career by fueling her sense of empowerment when she developed a career path plan, met with her manager to ask for her assistance to achieve it, and set goals for its accomplishment in her performance development plan.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

How to Leverage a Side Hustle to Support Your Dream Job

How to Leverage a Side Hustle to Support Your Dream Job How to Leverage a Side Hustle to Support Your Dream Job People typically start a side hustle with one of two goals in mind to make extra money and/or to gain more experiencein a field.Both of ansicht are great reasons to take on a side hustle, but there is one more that people dont often talk about taking on a side hustle to stab und sttze a dream job.Lets face it Dream jobs are not always the best-paying jobs, especially in the creative world. Sometimes it takes a long time to even get your dream job - and you have bills to pay in the meantime. A side hustle is a great way to fund your dream job goals, whether that means supporting yourself while you pursue an artistic career or putting food on the table while you work your way up the corporate ladder.Follow these tips to leverage a side hustle to support your dream job1. Save as Much Money as PossibleAs mentioned above, theNo. 1 reason people start a side hustle is to make more money, and there is nothing wrong with that. The problemarises when people make more money only to spend more money.This is fine if your side hustleonly exists tobring in extra cash, but when your side hustle isa means to support your dream job, you need to remember whats important saving money to make your dreams come true.Fortunately, the best way to save more money is to make more money. Use that extra moneyfrom your side hustle to create a nest egg for yourself. Once you have enough money saved up, invest it in yourself. Use the cash you earned to fund something that will help you get closer to your dream job. For example, if you really want to become a painter, utilize your side hustle to put food on the table, a roof over your head, and paint supplies in your workspace. Investing in yourself can provide a higher ROI than any stock ever could.When you are tempted to spend money frivolously, remind yourself of your long-term goals. A lot of young entrepreneurs get caught up in the lifestyle of successful businessmen without the actual success part. They think spending money frivolously will impress people or help them connect with successful people. Smart people can spot this playacting from a mile away.Be humble and live within your means. This is much more impressive than racking up credit card debt.2. Prioritize Your TimeWorking toward your dream jobwhile working a side hustle sucks up a lot of hours in a day. Add in time to spend with your family and friends and the whole thing can seem downright impossible.Do not let this stop you from achieving your dreams. Audit your schedule and figure out how much time you need to accomplish your goals. Be careful not to get caught up in pointless meetings or unproductive networking events. Say no to activities, events, or time-wasters thatdont help you reach your goals.In addition, be sure to allocate cooldown periods dedicated to doing absolutely nothing. Taking regularly time off will improve your mental f ortitude, reduce stress, and possibly unlock new ideas.3. Establish BoundariesGoing full throttle from the time you get up to the time you go to bed is not sustainable. If you go too hard in the beginning, you will burn out well before you reach the finish line.It is important to set boundaries and limit the number of hours you spend on your side hustle. That way, you will remember to make time for whats really important your dream job.Remind yourself why you are side-hustling and what you hope to accomplish. If you need a breather, that is okay. Step away and focus on something else for a bit.Likewise, establish boundaries with family and friends. Sometimes this means cutting out certain friends completely. This can be really hard, but itmay be necessary if your friends are not helping you reach your goals.4. Pick a Side Hustle that Teaches You New SkillsOne of the best reasons to take on a side hustle is to learn new skills. If there is a skill you are lacking that you will need f or your dream job, use your side hustle as a learning opportunity.One particular skill will help you shine anywhere networking. Its essential for almost every entrepreneur. If you hope to capture your dream job, you had better start networking right away.The best way to practice networking is to talk to as many people as possible, including strangers. Youll need to push yourself outside of your comfort zone to really master networking.Driving for a ridesharing serviceis a great side hustle forpolishing your networking skills. As a driver, you will interact with countless passengers. Some of them will want to talk, some of them wont. When someone does want to talk, use that as an opportunity to work on your active listening skills. Who knows - you might have someone who can make your dreams come true in the back seat of your car.Another example of a side-hustle that can teach you valuable skills is running a drop-shipping website. In order to be successful at drop shipping, you will need to learn marketing, web development, copywriting, and a slew of other important skills.5. Use Your Side Hustle as a Networking OpportunityAs mentioned above, side hustles are great ways to meet new people who may be able to help you with your dream job. The people you meet as clients, customers, and suppliers during your side hustle may be the key to getting your foot in the door with a dream company or industry.For example, as an Uber or Lyft driver, you can talk to dozens of people every day. Practice making good conversation. Listen to your passengers stories, ask open-ended questions, and learn to plek up on verbal queues. When you meet someonewho might be a good connection, casually hand them a business card. Dont be pushy.If rideshare driving is not for you, there are networking opportunities with basically any side hustle. Examples include being a babysitter, dog walker, orweb developer.All of these occupations will likely connect you with successful people who could be valuable members of your network.6. Practice Your Leadership SkillsEven if your dream job does not involve management, leadership skills like charisma and high emotionalintelligence are some of the most important qualities a person can have. People with these qualities are the people you want to talk to, follow on social media, and buy things from.Becoming a leader in your industry is a viable way to get your dream job.Leadership is about confidence, and you can build your confidence by getting out of your comfort zone. Side hustles are great ways to push your own boundaries and build your confidence.7. Fill Resume GapsWhen you are applying fora position, hiring managers are going to ask about any gaps in your employment history. To avoid being judged for employment lapses and possibly being denied your dream job, fill that resume gap with a side hustle.Not sure if your side hustle is relevantto the position you are applying for? It probably is. Running a small side hustle involves skills that are transferable to almost any career. Highlight your side hustle experience on your resume. Discuss how the skills you learned translate to your dream job.- In summary, I want to stress that a side hustle doesnt have to be some sort passion project. It is perfectly acceptable to take on a side hustle just to make money, especially if that extra money will be invested in yourself.Sometimes your dream job simply doesnt make enough money to be sustainable on its own. Taking on a lucrative side hustle can help you supplement your income until the day your dream job becomes profitable enough to leave your side hustle behind entirely.Brett Helling is the head ofRidester.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Unique Resume at a Glance

Unique Resume at a Glance If you would like to be a graphic designer, you can display yur graphic design abilities. Its possible for you to finish a resume from scratch, obviously. It is possible to download this resume design here at no cost. The creative folks need various forms of resumes, here are a few of the resume samples. Since you may see, theres a broad range of freebies to pick from. Whats also cool about our hand-picked selection is the simple fact that lots of packages include bonuses like cover letters or company cards. Once you have selected your perfect resume schablone from our selection, follow our totally free expert guidance about ways to craft the ideal modern resume. The very first template on the list features an elegant black and white modern resume design that may be used for any sort of job in any business. What to Expect From Unique Resume? Product designers work with engineers and advertising and marketing departments to bridge the needs of form and function in nearly every product possible. A resume does not have to incorporate each and every job or internship youve ever held. A Functional Resume or Skills Resume is intended to highlight your abilities and accomplishments at the very top of your resume instead of grouping them below the jobs or positions you have held as in a chronological resume. Begin with an effective overview to appear like an intimidating prospect. Kingsoft provides cost-free Writer templates which can be downloaded from our site. Freebie also include an absolutely Free PSD Business Card Template which youll be able to use as your company identity. Advertisement Choosing the very best Resume template or CV Template is vital important if you intend to find the most suitable job. Read More, here are several resume templates that you can readily adjust to fulfill your requirements. When you begin with a creative resume template, you merely have to drop in your details to swiftly finish the proces s. With as much as 279 free templates to select from, youll make sure to find something which you like. Sometimes all you will need is a traditional style template thats clean, clear and right to the point. The Unexposed Secret of Unique Resume Its a clean creative resume for private use. There are four documents that youre able to select from and simple to edit layered and organized. All preceding versions, for instance, present edition, will nonetheless be available. Its free for private and business use. At this time theres leise a possiblity to stick out from the competition being different. Ideal for everybody to promote their very best skills and receive a dream job. Before you submit your resume to make an application for work, take the opportunity to examine and refresh your resume so that its going to provide you with the ideal opportunity to have the interview. When you find a posting for your fantasy job, its easy to become excited about the idea of applying an d landing it. Many recruiters wish to discover candidates with the perfect balance of soft and hard skills. Submit the same resume for every single job. Its important to get your resume stand out from the work competition. Mention your work search each day. Just make certain its still simple to read regardless of what colors you pick. If you dont enjoy the colors, they can readily be changed. Colors can be changed at your convenience along with add photos if needed. Its fine to use bold, bright, and numerous colors. Make your very first impression perfect. In any field wherever your personality or skilled appearance is a vital part of the job, a photo is a great way to demonstrate that off. Its automatic-save feature helps to ensure that you dont lose your work. An authentic professional and personal resume to showcase your creative side.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Australian skill shortages [infographic]

Australian skill shortages infographic Australian skill shortages infographicPosted March 1, 2013, by Career FAQs team Source Career FAQs ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searcheswhat to study to become a bank teller australiasmall engine repair coursenight school courses perth wahow to become a gardener in australiahow to become a building certifier qld CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCareer FAQs teamRelated ArticlesBrowse morePERSONAL DEVELOPMENTSTUDYINGDo you Study for Love or Money?How do we choose a career path? Should money be the first consideration ? Or should our passions and interests inform the path we take? Explore this question with us as we look at statistics and trends in Australia.Health5 reasons why the care sector is the right career change for 2015The health care sector continues to be one of the fastest growing industries in Australia. This guest post from carecareers explores why it could just be your ticket to a life-altering career change in 2015.EnvironmentalReal EstateSustainability and the property industryWith sustainability becoming the buzzword of our times, professionals from architects to property managers are championing the cause of environmental responsibility.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Customized Resumes and Cover Letters are Better for Your Job Search - FlexJobs

Customized Resumes and Cover Letters are Better for Yur Job Search - FlexJobsCustomized Resumes and Cover Letters are Better for Your Job Search -8One complaint that recruiters often express is that candidates dont take the time to craft a unique titelblatt letter or edit their resume to fit the job for which they are applying. Instead, they simply send in their generic resume and cover letter, inserting the company name and job title into the proper locations beforehand (hopefully). But customized resumes and cover letters are vital to your success as a job seeker, especially with the prominent use of applicant tracking systems.Of course, we understand that crafting a unique resume and cover letter for each job application takes time- time that, all too often, isnt viewed as worth our while. However, the fact of the matter is that taking a little extra time to tweak yourcover letters and resumescan decrease the amount of time it takes you to land interviews, which can shorten your j ob search process significantly. Instead of applying to 10 jobs with the same cover letter and resume, you will have more success if you apply to five jobs with more partiealized documents.Here are a few tips for creating customized resumes and cover letters1. First, the unique cover letter.We arent suggesting you write every cover letter from scratch, but we are saying that the more applicable the letter is to the job, the better the chance a recruiter will want to continue onto your resume. How can youmake your cover letter uniquefor each job?Research the companys website and mention, in one sentence, why you are interested in working for them specifically. Is it their mission statement? Is it their community involvement? Is it the impact their products make on the world?Write several lines that speak directly to some of the main qualifications outlined in the job description. This makes it easy for the recruiter to discover that you are qualified for the position.Clearly explain why you are passionate and excited about the job, and give them a positive sense of who you are and why youd be the right person for them to hire. Can you help them solve a problem? Fill a need? Why do you wantthis job?2. Now, the unique resume.Just like your cover letter, your resume doesnt have to be written from scratch every time you apply for a job (imagining that is simply terrifying). But it does help if you change up some of the wording and emphasis on your resume to be aligned with the job description.When reading the job description, circle the keywords in the job description and requirements sections to help you pay attention to what the employer is looking for in an employee. Then, focus your skills and experience on your resume to those qualifications.Appropriately integrate some of these keywords into your resume and make the related skills and experience stand out. This might require rewriting a bullet or two in your work histories.Include top sections like a Summary, Key Skills, and/or a Professional Headline. Those can be easily edited and updated for each job to which youre applying.The Summary section should have three to four bullets that describe why you are uniquely qualified for the position(s) you want.The Key Skills should list six to nine of your best skills that are required for this job.The Headline should tell a reader exactly what kind of professional you are (and will hopefully closely align with the job title youre after)If you have an Objective or Executive Summary on your resume, make sure that it is in-line with the specific job you are applying for- if this is out of sync, your resume will likely be out of the running immediately3. One last, but HIGHLY important note.Hopefully, we dont have to mention this, but just in case- whentailoring your cover letters and resumesto each specific job,you absolutely only want to state what is true about your professional and educational history.If you find that a job description has keyw ords like PC and MAC proficiency but youve only ever worked on a PC, dont stretch the truth when tailoring your documents. To recruiters, the only thing worse than generic job search documents and typos are documents that dont tell the truth. So, rather thanlie on your resume, highlight the skills and experience you have that are related to the job. Then, to sweeten the deal, provide employers with a sample of your work through awebsite or portfolio.Interested in reading more about customized resumes? Check out our resume tipsReaders, what do you do to make sure you have customized resumes and cover letters for each application? Share your tipsJessica Howington contributed to this post.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

New study explains how to deter BS in the workplace

New study explains how to deter BS in the workplaceNew study explains how to deter BS in the workplaceIt can be hard to spot a bullshtter at first. They make claims that sound right, but upon closer inspection, these opinions have no basis in fact or reason. When we fall for their BS, we feel like fools. I just made a decision based on someone who has no idea what they are talking about? we think. No one likes feeling played.How can we stop it from happening? Those are the questions that a new study in theJournal of Experimental Social Psychology sought to explain.Social accountability can stop BSTo defeat bullshtters, you must first understand what encourages them to start spewing fake expertise in the first place. Psychologist John Petrocelli found that it gets encouraged when people feel obligated to form an opinion and when they know the audience hearing the BS is going to be less knowledgeable about the topic.The bullstter is a relatively careless thinker/communicator, he writes . People may be especially likely to bullst when they feel obligated to talk about something of which they know little to leidhing about, and when they are trying to get away with something. Participants were more deterred when they knew their knowledge was likely to be fact-checked by an actual expert, or by someone with an opposing view.Given that bullstting may potentially serve multiple communicative functions, including interpersonal connectivity and expressions of identity, people may feel free to bullshit with those they anticipate to possess like-minded positions, Petrocelli said. To stop BS, you need to create a culture of accountability.A bullstter cannot sell what we do not buy, the paper notes.To test this, Petrocelli, invited online participants to justify their views on polarizing issues like affirmative action quotas, nuclear weapons, and capital punishment. People in the accountability group were told that they would need to justify and explain their opinion to a So ciology Professor with an opposing view on their stance.Participants suddenly became much less likely to admit to BS when they knew their explanations were going to be read by a skeptical, knowledgeable authority.When people are held accountable or when they expect to justify their positions to people who disagree with their attitudes people appear to refrain from bullshitting, Petrocelli concluded. The threat of being called out and exposed as a bullshtter may be enough to help bullshtters keep their opinions to themselves.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to accomplish more in 30 days than most people do in 365

How to accomplish more in 30 days than fruchtwein people do in 365How to accomplish more in 30 days than fruchtwein people do in 365The best ambition killer is trying to play someone elses game. - Dan SullivanCraig Ballantyne, author of The Perfect Day Formula How to Own the Day And Control Your Life, has a really powerful exercise to help you realize if youre seeking approval in the wrong places.He calls it the STUPID GOLDEN STAR Exercise. As Ballantyne asks, Who is giving you stupid Gold Stars in life? And what are they costing you?What are you getting approval for that is bedrngnis serving you?Who is giving you approval that does elend serve you?Why are you seeking this approval?What is this costing you?If youre saying YES to the wrong things, its because youre seeking approval from the wrong people.If youre trying please everyone, youll end up pleasing no one. Without question, youll not end up pleasing yourself and those closest to you.If youre not discriminate about what youre willing to work on and focus on, then youre life is far more of a mess than you think.If youre feeling super busy and out of control, then you are out of control. If you dont have time to put yourself first and have a morning routine, then your life is a mess right now, and youre being totally ineffective.You are seeking approval from all the wrong places.Youre seeking quick wins.Youre trying to do it all.Youve lost sight of your grand vision.If you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing nobody. Because you cant keep up the charade forever. Eventually, your relationships will become transactional. And those relationships will end. Because right now youre forcing it. Youre not coming from a punkt of power. Youre trying to force success. And when you operate from this perspective - you start to make impulsive and ridiculous decisions.Day-by-day, your internal reality will become more of a mess. Youll know youre going further and further out of control. But you keep convincing yo urself that next month will be different. Everything will come together and THEN, youll start focusing again.Not gonna happen.Youve got to pull the plug.Youve got to start running your own race again. Somewhere along the line, you forgot about WHY you were doing this. You got caught up in the whirlwind of other peoples goals and agendas and values.How to get things back on trackBallantyne has the following questions to help you get back on track so you can start getting Good Golden Stars again.What do you NEED to get approval for doing?Who are the right people to get approval from in your life?Who are the right people that you need to give approval to, yourself?Who are the people - personally and professionally - that really matter, here and now, but also in 20 years?Joe Polish, founder of Genius Network, is known for saying The people you meet on the way up are the same people you meet on the way down.If you enter relationships from an impulsive and selfish perspective, those rel ationships will eventually come back to bite you. People wont trust you. Theyll see you as only looking out for yourself - since you used a lot of relationships to get you where youre at.You werent really thinking about them, but where those relationships could quickly get you.Your intentions may not have been hostile in the first place, but you also werent thinking long-term. You were trying to force things.When youre trying to force things, eventually everything starts crashing down. David Hawkins explains this better than anyone in his iconic book, POWER VS. FORCE. As Hawkins says, The person who suffers from inner poverty is relentlessly driven to accumulate on the material level.How to accomplish more in 30 days than most do in 365Its very easy to fall into the trap of being busy, and being busy is not necessarily productive. - Tim FerrissAccording to Chris Smith, founder of The Campfire Effect If youre not feeling motivated - youre either not experiencing enough pain to chan ge, or youre not curious enough about the power of possibility.If youre not making tangible progress, things can feel boring or not worth the time.So you need to start making tangible progress.You need a future vision that seems exciting. And you need to get back to feeling like what you want to achieve is a game.In the book, MY LIFE IN ADVERTISING, Claude Hopkins says, If a thing is useful they call it work, if useless they call it play. One is as hard as the other. One can be just as much a game as the other. In both there is rivalry. Theres a struggle to excel the rest. All the difference I see lies in attitude of mind.Your work needs to become play again.You need to make it a game.You need to get excited about making progress, growing, learning, and changing your life and circumstances.You need to get back to plotting and scheming and making plans.If youre too busy to sit and make plans, youve lost sight of what really matters to you. You should never be too busy to be able to s it in the silence to meditate, pray, and write down your thoughts and plans.Breaking this downSeek approval from the RIGHT PEOPLEGive approval to the right peopleRemove everything from your life that is impulsiveGet back to your purposeGet back to planning and schemingMake it a gameMake your work play againBe willing to failEnjoy the work and activity in and of itself (not for what it will get you)Detach from immediate outcomes and refocus on your purposeGet back to the whimsy and play and fun of lifeAllow yourself to embrace the pain of growth and failureEmbrace the curiosity of seeing how far you can goLife becomes play when youre living congruently. When youre focusing on the right things and the right people.When youre putting first things first.When youre taking 20 purposeful steps in 1 direction rather than 1 busy step in 20 different directions.If youre not making time to have a morning routine - where youre getting clear and intentional, every single day - then youre not m oving in the right direction. Youre also not being effective.The purpose of a morning routine is to give yourself the time and space to get clear. To get yourself energized and focused. And then to set your day on the right track so the day doesnt derail you as it does most people.Then you need to get excited again. Usually, you get excited by seeing tangible results in the near future. You need a short timeline to sprint toward. You need to create a result that youve wanted, or your family has wanted, for a long-time. One youve procrastinated and stopped pursuing with vigor because 1) you stopped making your work play, 2) youve lost the excitement of progress, and or 3) youve lost focus of what you really want and got busy.Often, you cant get yourself to do what you need to because work feels like work again. And you dont have anything exciting to accomplish.Youve lost your energy and are feeling depressed. Of course youre feeling depressed - your behavior is incongruent. Youre no t putting first things first. Youre back to sleeping-in and living reactive.Research in psychology is so clear confidence doesnt start the journey. Its not confidence that leads to success. Its successfully executed behavior that creates confidence and momentum.Give yourself a 30-day timeline to accomplish something big.Cut-off everything thats a busy distractionStop seeking approval from the wrong people (have some honest conversations, clean out your calendar and life, and focus again on the right people)Get back to your morning routine where youre getting energized and focused and clearMake work play again (it can only be play when youre making tangible progress toward something that excites you)You can make something exciting by, 1) making some form of progress, and 2) having something compelling in the near-future to look forward toGet back to plotting and scheming (literally get a white board and start writing all of your dreams down, and your values, and what youre grateful f or, and what matters most to you)Get connected again to yourself and what youre really aboutThen sprint toward a vision that you know you can achieveMost people - even those at the top of their game - are a mess right now. The globalized society and the internet has leveled the playing field. If youre ambitious and willing to fail and respond well to failure - you can easily catapult yourself to the top of your fieldWherever you are, thats the best place for you to beIt doesnt get easier the more successful you become, it actually gets harder and more confusing (unless you continually re-invent yourself and never stop failing and remaining humble and grounded)Remain the underdog by continually failing forwardGive yourself less time at work and more time to play (Shawn White said the reason he has been able to stay at the top of Snowboarding for nearly 20 years is because he spends a lot of time away from the sport - he has a life outside of snowboarding)Cut yourself off when you need to (if you give yourself shorter timelines, youll get more done) - often 80% is sufficientIf you do a morning routine, youll focus on the right things while you are workingIf you focus on the right things while youre working, youll make progressIf you increase your ambition for what you can be, every step you take forward will be a BOLD step, because youll be willing to failThe more energy you can put into BIG AND BOLD steps, the faster youll move beyond those at the top of your fieldAll the while, youll be congruent, because youll be putting yourself (and your health) first, so you can be better at your work and with your loved onesThis article originally appeared on Medium.